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Edible Fashion

April 1, 2012

Fashion and chocolate are almost every girl’s favorite! So two very smart and talented people , French chocolatier Jean-Claude Jeanson and designer Stéphane Martello, alias Mister Crochet, thought of combining the two!

Models donned chocolate couture for a fashion show in Zurich, Switzerland. The designers and pastry chefs spent 120 hours creating the most spectacular chocolate  dresses to appear on the Zurich catwalk.The designer sought inspiration in nature to create a flamboyant bird’s nest gown from 200 meters of wire covered with tissue with live pigeons encased within the nest. Leaves, flowers, daisies and roses made out of rich chocolate were conferred on the dresses. The models sashayed down the ramp wearing dresses made our of dark chocolate, milk chocolate and marshmallow.

Anyone with a sweet tooth probably had a hard time resisting the temptations, at the tastiest fashion show ever!





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